This Section
Member, Administrator, Moderator, Admiralty
This section is for fiction and roleplay threads exclusively set on Starbase 27. Its focus is on cooperative writing or RP broadly open to all participants, as explained under the Starbase 27 section of the Briefing Document. Brief or self-contained occurrences on the starbase do not need to be posted here; they may remain part of your mission threads in Campaign Operations.
You are welcome to begin RP threads here for general engagement, or to focus on specific interactions; if the latter, please make welcome participants clear (eg, members of a specific Task Force, or specific characters invited to your mid-campaign bingo session). If your thread is set after a specific occurrence, please make that timeline clear, including links to relevant writing if helpful.
All writing in this section must be rated 1-1-1. If you want to write higher-rated content with another player, consider plotting and writing it off the forums (eg, Google Docs) and posting it in your mission thread.
Otherwise, please abide by the Campaign Rules and the Forum Rules. As ever, the Lore Office is here to answer any questions you may have.
You are welcome to begin RP threads here for general engagement, or to focus on specific interactions; if the latter, please make welcome participants clear (eg, members of a specific Task Force, or specific characters invited to your mid-campaign bingo session). If your thread is set after a specific occurrence, please make that timeline clear, including links to relevant writing if helpful.
All writing in this section must be rated 1-1-1. If you want to write higher-rated content with another player, consider plotting and writing it off the forums (eg, Google Docs) and posting it in your mission thread.
Otherwise, please abide by the Campaign Rules and the Forum Rules. As ever, the Lore Office is here to answer any questions you may have.