USS Diligent

NateNate Member
edited June 2020 in Task Force 86

Mission 1- The Depths

Captain's Log, USS Diligent
The past few days have been wrought with endless requisitions, transfer requests, and meeting after meeting. I have not been this business for as long as I can remember. As busy as it is, I couldn't be happier with how things have been going.

Who knew that after years of resentment, I would ever be thankful for the time I spent aboard K-17. Which makes being docked there for crew transfers and resupply all the more special. The last of my senior staff have come aboard, including my XO. She seems formidable, but a driven officer is always refreshing.

We are still awaiting to hear from members of the Reliquary Exploration Initiative with something for us to investigate. Until then, I need to brief the staff on the Task Force mandate and what our function is.

End Log

Conference Room, USS Diligent
0800 Hours

Etan sat at the head of the small conference table waiting to get started. To his right was his new First Officer, a red headed human woman named Bree Buckley. Also present was the Vulcan Tactical Officer, the Bajoran Engineer, the Betazoid Doctor and the Counselor. His Operations Officer and Science Officer were busy updating the sensor grid.

The Trill Captain sat forward. "Welcome, I'm happy we could all come together before were underway. " He stood and activated the holographic projector in the table. The image of the Reliquary station rotated slowly above the table. "This massive and ancient installation is something of a compendium database , put together by a race known as the Builders. The Builders are presumed to have been one of the first forms of humanoid life in the galaxy, at least by their own records." Kaz tapped a control and the holographic image zoomed and began to map the interior of the projected image of the station." Approximately 40% of its internal spaces are taken up by data cores, filled with observational data from around the galaxy, spanning over billions of years, with the only gap being the most recent 5,000 years. It was rediscovered by a Klingon ship not too long ago."

Commander Buckley crossed her legs under the table. "If the Klingon’s discovered it, then what is Starfleet doing with the installation?" she asked pointedly.

The Captain sat and deactivated the holographic display. "Task Force 86 is partnering with the Klingons for this venture. There is a Klingon research team, as well as a Starfleet team aboard the Reliquary tasked with exploring the installation and retrieving entries from the database. The Task Force's attached ships are being deployed to investigate datapoints from the Reliquary database in every Quadrant."

"That's what we'll be doing?" Asked Lieutenant Grimaldi, the Counselor.

"Yes, Diligent has been assigned to investigate and explore Reliquary datapoints." Etan leaned on the left armrest of his seat. "We don't know what we're going to encounter out there. I, for one, am very excited to be returning to exploration."

The Chief Medical Officer, Devinona Ral, nodded. "Here, Here."

"We don't have specifics about our first assignment, yet. But we still have a few days layover here." Kaz sounded optimistic for the first time in a while. "As soon as I have our official order I will disperse them and check in with every department. Any questions?" He asked.

There was a mix of silence and head shakes.

"Perfect." The Captain stood. "Until we have more, I'll let you all get back to sorting out your departments. Let me or Commander Buckley know if you need anything. Thank you."

Captain Etan Kaz
Commanding Officer

Commander Bree Buckley
First Officer

Commander Sel
Chief Tactical/Security Officer

Lieutenant Krell Mekat
Chief Engineering Officer

Lieutenant Commander Devinona Ral
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Liam Grimaldi
Chief Counselor

Commodore Camilla Dougherty

Task Force Executive Officer, 86

Commodore Catherine Waldorf
Commanding Officer, USS Hypatia
Ashex Oo
Head of The Family, Stardust City

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